
Why us?

Home/Why us?

Why us?

More than ever, customers are looking for stability. They are looking for a trustworthy partner and a really special relationship with the whole team. Bisoft fulfils these expectations.

They have placed their trust in us

What they say about us

  • Gamah

    "Ce que j’apprécie tout particulièrement chez Bisoft, c’est qu’on ne me propose pas le matériel le plus cher, mais le matériel qui est le plus adapté à nos besoins."

    Vincent Snoeck, Directeur Gamah

  • Le centre scolaire Saint Adrien

    "Grâce au système proposé par Ecologic, nous gagnons énormément de temps en maintenance."

    Thierry Declercq, Responsable IT et professeur en informatique

  • Administration communale de Paliseul

    "Bisoft nous a permis de progresser dans notre organisation informatique "

    Nicolas Hercot, directeur financier de la commune de Paliseul

  • Ville de Saint-Hubert

    "Bisoft a dépassé les attentes de la Ville au niveau des propositions qu’elle a formulées pour améliorer le travail au sein de l’administration par l’informatique "

    Charlotte Leduc, Directrice Générale de Saint-Hubert

  • Administration Communale et CPAS de Libin

    « En plus d’un matériel performant, la disponibilité des agents chargés du remplacement des ordinateurs a été remarquable »

    Anne Laffut, bourgmestre de la commune de Libin

  • MRBC – Région bruxelloise

    "Je sais que je peux faire confiance à BDE Group et au technicien qui vient chez nous, je sais que le travail va être bien fait"

    Philippe Baertsoen, Assistant Principal du département informatique au Ministère de la Région Bruxelles Capitale

  • The Hotel

    "Bisoft is heel aandachtig voor de problemen die zich bij The Hotel kunnen voordoen en reageert hier heel snel op."

    Jan-Joris Kriele, General Manager van The Hotel

  • Crowne Plaza Brussels

    "Met Bisoft beschikken we over de kennis en knowhow van een heel team en niet van één enkel persoon."

    Rogier Hurkmans, General Manager van Crowne Plaza – Le Palace Brussels

  • Sambre & Biesme

    "La proximité et les liens humains sont des atouts majeurs qu’offre BDE Group."

    Pierre Giot, directeur de projets

Our strengths

  • Customized service: Bisoft supports its customers throughout their development, anticipating needs, providing innovative, comprehensive solutions and maintaining their technical infrastructure day to day.
  • Expertise: Based on our experience on the ground since 1992, we have acquired expertise and certifications in many areas
  • Trusting partnership with Microsoft and Proximus thanks to our extensive experience in customized solutions
  • A team that is available and that listens
  • Full service: With the complementarity offered by our sister IT companies (Ecologic, BDE Center Space, and DRP), we are able to offer you a full range of other IT services: equipment procurement, customer service, security and continuity, training… You will therefore be able to benefit from a single contact for all your IT needs!

What our customers like: proximity

As an SME, proximity is at the heart of our services. We are keen to be present in a professional but also human way. Which is why every customer has their own Bisoft contact person and is followed individually by a qualified technician, who listens to their needs and expectations.

They support you throughout your own development, anticipating your needs, offering innovative solutions and maintaining your technical infrastructure day to day.

They have extensive technical knowledge and are also very easy to get hold of. They are patient when problems arise, listen to your needs and try to help us as quickly as possible.

Our certifications



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+32 2 880 12 00


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